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5 Steps to Build Web Presence — Step 4
Step 3: Have a product/proof
Sometimes people listen more with their eyes than their ears, so its always smart to have examples of your company at work. If your company sells clothing, the simple way is to have models in your clothing to show how it fits. However, for other businesses having visual aides may be harder to accomplish.
Take for example a public relations firm, how do they make a visual product for their website?
Well I think its pretty simple, have a client make a testimonial video or have a video of your business at work. You could even do a visual progression to show how one of your clients has grown since you started to work with them.
Visual aides are always helpful in the day-n-age of YouTube, simply because people want to tell others how good (or bad) a company was as a referral (or forewarning.) So just beat them to the punch, tell them how good its going to be before they even try it. This builds a better relationship with customers and gives your company more credibility.
That’s all for today, just one more step to go!!!
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You Are In Charge Easy WebContent provides easy and powerful tools to manage and empower websites. It gives the user control to edit an existing or build a new professional website. Visit today to begin your free 14-day trial period!

5 Steps to Build Web Presence – Step 3
Step 3: Daily Updates
With the evolution of technology, the internet, and social media, people have a need to be plugged in to everything at all times and to always be in-the-know. This 24-hour connected culture gives companies a challenge and an opportunity, depending on if they let them work against them or use them to their advantage.
How is it a challenge?
Companies now have to always stay relevant; there’s no time to waste. Today’s fast-paced culture feeds into a short attention span, but somehow companies have to keep this attention at all times. This can be seen as a threat when doing a SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) simply because not all company owners are technologically inclined or advanced.
Advertise Your Website
After you have created a professional website you need to advertise it so that people actually know that it exists. What is the point of having a website that no one knows about.
Technology today has made it incredibly easy for a person to send information and have it travel quickly. Therefore, technology can be your bestfriend when you need to advertise something. Social networks such as face book, twitter etc allow you to tell your friends and others about your work. You can even have daily updates about your website to constantly remind them of it. With Easy WebContent you can use the social integration tool that allows you and others on your cite to access your face book and twitter page with one click on the logo.
Follow @EasyWebContent to Win a Free Website!!!
Look, Listen, and Gather ’round for an opportunity to win a free website for a year!!!
Follow @EasyWebContent to win a free website!!!
Easy WebContent has a great opportunity for new business and young entrepreneurs! If you follow @EasyWebContent on Twitter, you will automatically be entered into a contest to win a free website.
Why is Easy WebContent is good for you?
1) It’s an easy way to create you’re very own website, where you are in charge!
2) It’s fun and provides add-ons to enhance your page.
3) You don’t need any advanced knowledge or technical skills.
But the first step is to hop on twitter and click the follow button. There will be Twitter updates and video posts to keep you informed about the contest. So get to it, before it’s too late!!!

5 Steps to Build Web Presence Step 2
Step 2: Post Articles
When looking to purchase an item or make a contract-binding commitment, people like to read about what they’re signing up for and what others are saying about it. A way to ensure security for customers is to post articles on the company’s blog(s) and other websites and blogs. This allows potential customers to read about what they’re getting into. It can answer any questions without the customer having to call or email for an answer. Also, it shows credibility; share some knowledge you have about the industry your company is a part of. This makes customers feel like the business knows what they’re doing and is the best at what they do.
5 Steps to Build Web Presence–Step1
Make a Facebook, Twitter, and Tubmlr!!! These are necessary in today’s society; its the easiest way to inform people about what you’re doing. These allow you to post less formal press releases with pictures, video, and some information. However, these three websites have different formats and should be treated as such.
Facebook is the most formal of the three; it can be used to post photo albums, create events, and post press releases. Facebook allows users to post more information than Twitter. This challenges posters to gain readers immediately and keep them reading.
Young Entrepreneurs Weave Their Way Through the Web
Deciding to start a business is no easy feat, especially in today’s economy. However, when one decides that’s what they want to do, they have to realize technology has become so much a part of everyone’s life that they must include it in their business plan. For young entrepreneurs this probably wouldn’t be anything new, but not-so-young entrepreneurs may not understand the importance.
Today, people are connected to the internet 24/7 friending, tweeting, sharing, etc.; this gives the great opportunity of which business owners should take advantage. By using websites like Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr, companies can promote themselves in a quick, fun way. It doesn’t take too much work of the audience to learn about the company.
April Giveaway: Free Website to One Lucky Nonprofit!
Who is the giveaway for?
Any Nonprofit worldwide that would like to have a brand new website.
Why are we giving a website away?
Easy WebContent is ‘Giving Back’. We want to show how important it is to have a web presence and how cost effective it can be with the right web tools for any organization. Our Complete Site Builder package offers tremendous community outreach value. This is a great opportunity for a Nonprofit to win a free website and have the opportunity to work with a professional designer absolutely free. We’d like to wish all Nonprofits the best of luck – and we look forward to helping them develop an online home to inform their audience about their cause with Easy WebContent.
What are the rules?
Communication: Email or Social Media?
I came across an article on the Huffingtonpost titled Email Connects 85 Percent Of The World; Social Media Connects 62 Percent. It got me thinking of the number of ways we communicate with one another today, from emailing, social networks, texting, phone calls, and face to face. (more…)
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