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Tag Archives: social media
5 Steps to Build Web Presence – Step 3
Step 3: Daily Updates
With the evolution of technology, the internet, and social media, people have a need to be plugged in to everything at all times and to always be in-the-know. This 24-hour connected culture gives companies a challenge and an opportunity, depending on if they let them work against them or use them to their advantage.
How is it a challenge?
Companies now have to always stay relevant; there’s no time to waste. Today’s fast-paced culture feeds into a short attention span, but somehow companies have to keep this attention at all times. This can be seen as a threat when doing a SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) simply because not all company owners are technologically inclined or advanced.
5 Steps to Build Web Presence Step 2
Step 2: Post Articles
When looking to purchase an item or make a contract-binding commitment, people like to read about what they’re signing up for and what others are saying about it. A way to ensure security for customers is to post articles on the company’s blog(s) and other websites and blogs. This allows potential customers to read about what they’re getting into. It can answer any questions without the customer having to call or email for an answer. Also, it shows credibility; share some knowledge you have about the industry your company is a part of. This makes customers feel like the business knows what they’re doing and is the best at what they do.
5 Steps to Build Web Presence–Step1
Make a Facebook, Twitter, and Tubmlr!!! These are necessary in today’s society; its the easiest way to inform people about what you’re doing. These allow you to post less formal press releases with pictures, video, and some information. However, these three websites have different formats and should be treated as such.
Facebook is the most formal of the three; it can be used to post photo albums, create events, and post press releases. Facebook allows users to post more information than Twitter. This challenges posters to gain readers immediately and keep them reading.
Young Entrepreneurs Weave Their Way Through the Web
Deciding to start a business is no easy feat, especially in today’s economy. However, when one decides that’s what they want to do, they have to realize technology has become so much a part of everyone’s life that they must include it in their business plan. For young entrepreneurs this probably wouldn’t be anything new, but not-so-young entrepreneurs may not understand the importance.
Today, people are connected to the internet 24/7 friending, tweeting, sharing, etc.; this gives the great opportunity of which business owners should take advantage. By using websites like Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr, companies can promote themselves in a quick, fun way. It doesn’t take too much work of the audience to learn about the company.
7 Time Management Tips for the Solopreneur
Running a small business has its own set of challenges, and doing it all on your own adds to that list. You need a rack for all the hats you have to wear. There’s never enough time in the day, and your resources are limited.
That said, “solopreneurs” can be successful – it just takes a little more hard work and organization. Once your business broadens and profits improve, you can bring on some staff and breathe a little easier.
Communication: Email or Social Media?
I came across an article on the Huffingtonpost titled Email Connects 85 Percent Of The World; Social Media Connects 62 Percent. It got me thinking of the number of ways we communicate with one another today, from emailing, social networks, texting, phone calls, and face to face. (more…)
Successful Social Networking Platforms
Social media has taken the world by storm, and every day the minds behind these websites think of new ways to share information. Sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr are all competing to introduce the next big thing. They are prime examples of how we are trying to streamline the personal touch. Facebook introduced the Timeline, Twitter updated their interface, and Tumblr offers the endless scroll. Each of these installments offers the user a personalized option but retains its simple, shareable look.
Your Website Is Done! What Is Next?
The day is finally here, all the hours spent designing and developing your companies website has come to an end, but what’s next? Unfortunately, even if those hours are finally over this does not mean that your website can be published onto the World Wide Web and let loose to all your potential clients. (more…)
Marketing Your Online Business
by Forrest Yingling
Social networking sites are undoubtedly the most popular websites nowadays and are growing extremely rapidly. With this growth come new and exciting opportunities for the marketing and promotion of your online business. (more…)
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