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Tag Archives: Student
Miranda Pellicano Takes One Step Closer Towards Her Dream Career
The conclusion of my freshman year in college was in sight. I knew that I was going to need some sort of summer occupation, so with little experience in the field of graphic design and marketing, I began the search for an internship. I had no idea how my quest would turn out. Would I find a position? Would I have enough qualifications? There were so many questions and so many options available. I fixed up my resume and cover letter, and began the search.
I searched primarily online through Internship sites. I came across a site called YouTern. It was actually the first position that I applied for. I would go on to submit several other applications to various other sites in hopes of hearing back. I was contacted by a few of the other companies, Hindsite Interactive included. Katherine Alegado was the one to contact me, and she seemed rather interested from my application. I was excited and overwhelmed at the same time between upcoming finals and the job hunt. (more…)
Sydney Pearsall Gains Experience By Taking Challenges
My Internship Story… so far
There I was in my sophomore year of college, Station Manager of WDSU Radio “The Hive” and maintaining my grades pretty well. Though I seemed to be involved in many things, I seemed to still have a lot of free time. So in January of 2012, I started applying for internships. After months of searching I didn’t seem to have any luck. What was I lacking??? I had managerial experience and I was in school doing a good job in all my coursework. I couldn’t figure out what the problem was so I just continued to apply. In March, I finally started to get responses and interviews; I was so excited that I would have something to do this summer. (more…)
How To Network and Take Opportunities
As students, we receive lots of help from our professors through out our college experience. But what about after college? Professors are not just resources to us while we are in school, but they are also valuable resources to us when we get out. They can provide us with contacts so that we can network, refer us for internships and jobs and also provide us with reference letters. As adults we need to take the intuitive to make them useful to us. It is not the professors job to ask us if we need anything, we need to come to them.
Students to Professionals: Save and Link Up!
As students your professor told you to always save your work. I’m sure everyone has had that experience where they did a lot of work, perhaps a ten page paper and all of a sudden your computer crashed and your work was gone because you did not save. Well this is not just a helpful tip for school, but also useful after school. Throughout your college years you have accomplished a lot and most of it was career related. I’m sure there were projects and long tedious assignments that you had to do and did well in. Wouldn’t you want to be able to use these as work samples and items on your resume? Well if you don’t save them then how are you going to be able to convey your skills. You spend hours and time doing various assignment , so why not take two seconds to save it?
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